Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cheap auto insurance for Students

Are you looking cheap auto insurance for students? Do you know things which need to be taken care before buying cheap auto insurance for students? We help you find and compare best rates of auto insurance.

Students often find difficult to choose cheap auto insurance from their monthly budget, Because of low income being as student and need to meet high expense of auto insurance, obviously it’s difficult to find cheap auto insurance online.

There are few things we should keep in mind to buy cheap auto insurance for students
  • Increase the coverage: Getting auto insurance quotes for the minimum coverage and experiment by increasing the coverage until you reach out your budget would be the valuable tip for students to get cheap auto insurance.

  • Student Discount: if you are a scholar, average student and have at least “B” grade then most of the online auto insurance companies will give you a good student discount which will surely help you.

  • Additional discount: If you have more than one vehicle lists your other vehicle in to the same auto insurance policy to get multi-car discount. List one of your vehicles as low mileage vehicle if you do not drive too often to get cheaper auto insurance rates.

  • Reducing your billing fee: Allow the insurance company to automatically withdraw your monthly payment from your bank account to reduce you billing fee which turns lowers your payment by as much as ten dollars a month, or if you can afford to pay full six month or year policy payment would be great option.

  • Liability Coverage: In search of getting cheap auto insurance rates available online will often lead you with minimum coverage, that is liability coverage which only provide coverage to other’s bodily injury and property damage you are liable for. Liability coverage does not provide coverage for your vehicles or your medical injury.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Red Flags to Watch Out for When Buying Auto Insurance

Wouldn’t it be great if buying auto insurance was a simple as flipping through the phone book, closing your eyes and pointing at the first insurance provider you saw? In a perfect world this insurance provider would then proceed to provide you with excellent, inexpensive coverage and responsibly handle your claims for the rest of your life.

Unfortunately, real life doesn’t work like that. In real life there are auto insurance companies that are going to charge you absurd premiums each month, then do their best to slither out of their obligations when the time comes for you to file a claim. How to you deal with these companies? More importantly, how do you avoid ever having to do business with them in the first place?
Underneath you will find a list of "red flags" to look for when shopping for auto insurance. If you see a company that is doing or promoting any of these, take the time to do some further investigation before making a commitment that you may come to regret further down the road

Read more on Red Flags to Watch Out for When Buying Auto Insurance

Monday, November 10, 2008

Colorado Car Insurance Online

Colorado is a state with a diverse population and culture. This diversity is reflected in its car insurance companies as well. For every make and model of car available, there is an insurance which suits it perfectly.

By State Law, Colorado is considers the resident financially liable for any injury and damage caused by an auto accident. Liability protection is mandatory coverage. While you can go with minimum coverage, it is recommended that you obtain higher coverage unless you have no assets to protect. Medical payments, collision, comprehensive and underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage are optional.

Your premium rate is determined by your make and model of car and its year, a clean or not so clean driving record, age and demographics. Other determining factors would be mileage, personal or work-related usage and your credit scores. Do not carry any more than you need to. If you have good quality medical coverage you should not require PIP (Personal Injury Protection). The medical coverage will encompass treatment of the automobile accident and will cover more services than the much more limited PIP coverage.

Get The Full Story on Colorado Car Insurance Quotes

Monday, October 27, 2008

Find the best Arizona auto insurance companies

It doesn't really matter where you live you want to find the best deal on insurance. Today an insurance company can be located anywhere and provide coverage for almost any state they choose. There are places like Massachusetts that has certain limitations when it comes to insurance companies offering insurance to residents. Arizona residents can enjoy a wide selection from the insurance company they desire. While most people are comfortable going with the insurance company that is local or the most popular this may not always ensure cheaper rates and Arizona residents may be paying higher Arizona auto insurance rates.

It's not easy to fork over enough money for peace of mind. If you never use your insurance you have no idea how valuable it is if you are in an accident. Although insurance premiums seem high you can save thousands of dollars if ever you need to file a claim. This type of protection can keep you from being sued and losing everything you have. Most insurance companies offer their premiums in monthly, quarterly, bi-yearly, or yearly installments to make it more affordable for the consumer. It's not easy to get the insurance coverage you need with a price that you can afford but it can be done if you do your shopping. One of the best ways to save money is to look into all the discounts Arizona auto insurance companies may offer. Some of these discounts include:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Compare Auto Insurance Quotes and Save Money.

You are shopping for a nice couch and see an advertisement in the Sunday paper for one you really like. You select the fabric, plunk down your plastic and schedule a delivery date. On your way home, you see another furniture store and much to your horror discover that you could have saved nearly $400. What happened? You didn’t comparison shop. You selected and purchased the first thing you saw. Why do I use this analogy? To exemplify why comparing auto insurance quotes is important.

Whether your vehicle is brand new or has a few years upon it, we all want the same thing: good coverage. It can mean the difference between being sued or protecting our assets. A new car must maintain Collision and Comprehensive coverage. On an older model however, or where you have a poor driving record you may want to consider dropping them or not having them as part of your policy to obtain a cheaper premium.

Another way to save money on your premium is by foregoing car insurance endorsements like towing and rental car expenses. While they are not expensive, they may not in fact be necessary at all. Going with an auto club like AAA for towing and labor protection tends to be more cost- effective. And keep in mind with an auto club for your towing and labor protection you avoid the aggravation of filing a claim every time you use the service. Daily rental insurance is often a better deal particularly if you are someone who relies heavily upon their car. It offers you much in the way of convenience and the cost is minimal.

Read Our Full Story on Why You Should Compare Auto Insurance Quotes

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pennsylvania Auto Insurance - Ways Older Drivers can Save Money on auto insurance

Are you an older driver that wants to save money on your Pennsylvania auto insurance? Like young teenage drivers older drivers are also sometimes considered to be a high risk driving group by insurance companies. So if you’re an older driver and you don’t want your Pennsylvania auto insurance rates to keep climbing as you get older what can you do to lower your rates? Here are 5 ways older drivers can save money on their Pennsylvania auto insurance rates:

Get your eye checked every year - even though not all insurance companies give older drivers discounts for this some insurance companies do, so check with an agent at your insurance company to see if older drivers can get discounts for providing proof that you passed a yearly eye exam.

Use your good driving record as leverage – if you have never had a ticket, or an accident, or haven’t had a ticker or an accident that was your faults for a long time use that to your advantage. You can get substantial discounts from some insurance companies if you have a great driving record.

Be willing to switch insurance companies – even if you’ve been with the same Pennsylvania auto insurance company for decades you need to be ready to walk away from that company in order to get better discounts. Many companies will match the discounts that another company offers you if you threaten to take your business to another company because Pennsylvania auto insurance companies want to hang onto their long term customers.

Read our full article on how an older drivers can save money on their Pennsylvania auto insurance

Friday, August 1, 2008

How to Get Auto Insurance with bad driving record

Getting auto insurance is much easy if you know things about auto insurance, dealing with inner and outer of auto insurance can be a tricky if you are first time looking for a policy. More over if you have bad driving records and looking for auto insurance policy, its really tough job to search your desire one.

So if you have bad driving record? Don’t upset or spoil mood, there are several ways to save your money on your car insurance. Before I should inform about how to get online auto insurance with bad driving records, consider ways of improving your driving record such as being more cautious, obeying speed limits, follow traffic rules signs and signals and paying your bills on time

Reduce the amount of insurance you carry. This may sound simple, but consider driving a less expensive car where you don’t need to carry certain types of coverage, such as comprehensive (which covers your vehicle, and sometimes other vehicles you may be driving for losses resulting from incidents other than collision, such as fire and flood), and collision (which covers damage to your car when your car hits, or is hit by, another vehicle or other object and pays to fix your vehicle). You can also decrease the amount of liability insurance you carry as long as you carry the minimum amount prescribed by your state law. However, beware of decreasing your amount of liability coverage if you own other assets, such as a home or business, as a serious accident could put those assets in jeopardy if damages exceed your liability coverage.

Other tips. High risk drivers should realize that most insurance companies will not hold your past against you forever. In fact, insurers may consider you a good risk with a two or three year record of having no points against you – and even sooner if you bring your credit rating from the red to the black. But don’t lie to insurer about your record when applying for insurance. Most insurers have sixty (60) days to investigate your background. If they find out you lied, they’ll cancel your policy immediately and you may have an even harder time getting insurance in the future.

Shop around. High risk drivers, more than anyone, should shop around for the best rates. When shopping for insurance, keep in mind that there are many insurance companies that specialize in high risk drivers. Unfortunately, many say that they will insure anyone, but they may not be able to save you money.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Auto Insurance after a DUI

Attempting to purchase affordable auto insurance after a DUI conviction can be a little like attempting to scale Mt. Everest barefoot on a tightrope; it can be done, but the amount of time and effort it’s going to take can make it seem as though it’s not worth it. If you’ve been convicted of a DUI, here are some suggestions to help you get the coverage you need at a price you can afford.

There are two universal truths about being convicted of a DUI. First, a number of online auto insurance companies will reject you out of hand if they know that you’ve been or are soon to be convicted of a DUI. Since getting a DUI requires you to fill out an SR-22 form allowing the government to monitor your insurance coverage, there is no way to cover up this infraction. Because the chances of your insurance company not finding out about the conviction are slim to none, a driver convicted of a DUI could find themselves facing not only hundreds of dollars in fines and court fees (not to mention potential jail time) they may be facing a loss of their auto insurance as well.

Secondly, even if you don’t lose your current coverage you are almost certainly going to find yourself paying more for it-and fighting an uphill battle to get coverage anywhere else. Fortunately, there are some companies out there that are willing to insure drivers after a DUI. These companies carry what are known as SR-22 policies. Under an SR-22 policy you will be able to be insured as a high risk driver, and many of these companies will file your SR-22 for you so that your license can be reinstated as painlessly as possible.

An SR-22 will need to be filed by the auto insurance company verifying that you have insurance for a minimum of three years in most states, although your state’s particular requirements may vary. If you choose to cancel your policy before the end of this period your insurance company will be required to file an SR-26 letting the DMV know that you are no longer insured. Since being found to be uninsured is going to have a negative effect on the reinstatement of your license, this is something you want to avoid at all costs! There are some drivers who will purchase an SR-22 policy in order to get their license back, then cancel the policy to avoid paying the high risk premium. Obviously, this is a bad idea.

Where can you go to get high risk auto insurance under an SR-22? Many of the "big name" auto insurance agencies, such as Geico or AAA, are reluctant to take on high risk drivers. On the other hand, many smaller companies that have fewer options when it comes to their customers will insure a high risk driver for the right price. Be aware that regardless of who you ultimately purchase your high risk SR-22 auto insurance policy from, you’re going to end up paying more than you did before you were convicted of a DUI. This is unavoidable, but you shouldn’t have to go bankrupt trying to pay your premiums.

If you’re looking for reasonable auto insurance following a DUI your best bet is to go through a company that is affiliated with numerous auto insurance companies, such as These companies will be able to compare quotes and coverage from hundreds of insurers, giving you the best chance of finding one that will provide the coverage you need at a price you can afford.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Are you looking for a great deal on your auto insurance?

Are you looking for a great deal on your auto insurance? No, don’t worry; this isn’t another useless attempt by a nameless, faceless corporate insurer to get your business. This is an attempt to teach what you’re going to need to know when you step out into the insurance arena to make sure you get the best possible deal on your auto insurance.

How do you get free auto insurance quotes instantly from multiple companies, there are many options to get your desire auto insurance quotes, you could go from site to site to compare their rates, but that would just be big waste of your time? The most quick and easy way to save your time and money is to get a free auto insurance quote from reliable insurance company such as offers free auto insurance quotes and lets you compare the best rates of quotes. Save you time for more important things, we provide an online insurance marketplace where you can compare for auto insurance simply by requesting a free quote.

We can give you free auto insurance quotes for all states of USA. Just enter your zip code to get started in about 15 minutes you could be buying your policy and printing your insurance cards. It is that simply, compare the rates of auto insurance with other insurance company and save your money, in fact it doesn’t even matter where you live.

At you get a free insurance quote from multiple companies and in most states you can even buy your policy online. Since you now have all these choices and options with the coverage and the low rates, we have put together a large online auto insurance resource section to help you navigate through the insurance world.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cheap auto insurance can save you a lot of money

How do you feel if you work hard for your money and when pay day comes around you do not want to sing your check over to the insurance company to pay premium. Getting cheap auto insurance online is really tough task. It requires time, efforts and more over patience, you need to do lot of analysis compare quotes of other carriers etc.

Good news! Time has gone to do all above mention efforts to receive cheap auto insurance, everything available to consumer almost always has cheaper version or a cheaper way to purchase and auto insurance is not exception. Purchasing cheap auto insurance is a great way to get the coverage you need at a price that will not break your budget.

You can search and purchase the cheap auto insurance policy in your own time; if you decide to purchase your auto insurance online you will enjoy the privacy and the convenience. Cheap auto insurance can be found online, over the phone or by walking into an insurance office. A good insurance company will offer their insurance business online or at their local office. Purchasing online is just the way of life now and there is no reason why a company cannot offer this to potential customers. Having a company website will only increase business.

Choose a right insurance company that you want to go with you can either go down to their local office or you can access their website online to pick a package, make a payment and print your proof of insurance out within seconds. You may also want to check on their website to make sure that more customers were satisfied with their service that they received with that particular company. If you want to know how good the company is check out other forums online and you will see on the forums were consumers compare other companies all the time. The consumers have first hand experience with a certain insurance company and can give you a different perspective.

Just because you find cheap auto insurance it doesn't mean that your coverage will be sacrificed. But you will need to do some extensive checking to make sure that you are covered in case of an accident and how fast will they respond to any claims.

When you decide on the right insurance company to go with you can still negotiate a lot of coverage in order to get the plan that you want and can afford. There are several different ways to cut expenses, for example increase your current deductible or if you don't have a deductible add one. The deductible that you pay will decrease the amount of money you pay for your premiums but if you are in an accident you will be expected to pay that deductible before anything will be covered. In the long run a higher deductible is well worth the out of pocket expense if an accident happens. Cheap auto insurance may be the answer you have been looking for all along.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

How to find the best online auto insurance quotes

Finding online auto insurance quotes can be difficult, you may be too tired to look at what all the companies offer and how affordable they really are. You probably don't have the time to search around for the most popular companies available that offer online auto insurance quotes. One thing that most people don't realize is when an insurance company says they will save you money chances are they will save you money in one way but will charge a lot more in another way. You need to distinguish the difference and make your decision.

If you just entered the keywords online quotes it is really hard to say what your results would be about. One way to find the best online auto insurance quotes is to do a simple search using the keywords online auto insurance quotes so that you can get the relevant search results. When your search engine results come up for online auto insurance quotes you may notice that the list is probably pages long. The first ten companies that you can see would be the ones that were most popular and visited the most by consumers who want the same thing that you do.

There are several ways to modify the policy so you can get the plan that is the most suitable to you. It's important to note that your search to find the best online auto insurance quotes may be harder than you think. Especially when you need to sift through all the companies that do not offer what they put on the site. Most consumers certainly want the same thing when looking for the right coverage; a competitive rate and the right coverage for them. Insurance is an expense that you need to figure into your budget but at the same time the coverage can save you thousands of dollars if you are ever in an accident and need to use it.

You need to know what type of comprehensive coverage you can expect from your policy as well as any deductibles you may have. You can ask how you can customize your policy to make it more for you and your family. Don't be afraid to ask any questions when you are trying to find the best online auto insurance quotes. Last, but certainly not least, ask what discounts you qualify for. Some of the more common discounts are

Multi-vehicle discount: You may save a lot of money over the year when you add more vehicles to your policy. This type of discount will be available to you if you have more than one vehicle listed on your policy.

Safe driver discount: This discount is one of the best ones. You get rewarded for driving carefully. This means that you cannot have any tickets or accidents in the last few months in order to qualify. Vehicle safety features: This can include front and side airbags, anti-lock brakes, anti-lock devices to prevent your vehicle from being stolen and more.

You may be able to see a substantial discount if you are able to use all of these factors in order to reduce your premium payments. When you do your online auto insurance quotes you should be able to see these discounts

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How to get auto insurance with bad driving record

Getting auto insurance online is much easy if you know things about auto insurance, dealing with inner and outer of auto insurance can be a tricky if you are first time looking for a policy. More over if you have bad driving records and looking for auto insurance policy, its really tough job to search your desire one.

So if you have bad driving record? Don’t upset or spoil mood, there are several ways to save your money on your car insurance. Before I should inform about how to get cheap auto insurance with bad driving records, consider ways of improving your driving record such as being more cautious, obeying speed limits, follow traffic rules signs and signals and paying your bills on time

Reduce the amount of insurance you carry. This may sound simple, but consider driving a less expensive car where you don’t need to carry certain types of coverage, such as comprehensive (which covers your vehicle, and sometimes other vehicles you may be driving for losses resulting from incidents other than collision, such as fire and flood), and collision (which covers damage to your car when your car hits, or is hit by, another vehicle or other object and pays to fix your vehicle). You can also decrease the amount of liability insurance you carry as long as you carry the minimum amount prescribed by your state law. However, beware of decreasing your amount of liability coverage if you own other assets, such as a home or business, as a serious accident could put those assets in jeopardy if damages exceed your liability coverage.

Other tips. High risk drivers should realize that most insurance companies will not hold your past against you forever. In fact, insurers may consider you a good risk with a two or three year record of having no points against you – and even sooner if you bring your credit rating from the red to the black. But don’t lie to insurer about your record when applying for insurance. Most insurers have sixty (60) days to investigate your background. If they find out you lied, they’ll cancel your policy immediately and you may have an even harder time getting insurance in the future.

Shop around. High risk drivers, more than anyone, should shop around for the best rates. When shopping for insurance, keep in mind that there are many insurance companies that specialize in high risk drivers. Unfortunately, many say that they will insure anyone, but they may not be able to save you money.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What to consider when looking for auto insurance quotes

There are many options available online when you decide to go for auto insurance but did you know that there are several things that you may not realize that can determine the price you pay for insurance? You should look for the factors like where you live, what you drive, your personal driving record and more. Take a help from insurance agent of know insurance company, he can guide you further, when you call for a quote the insurance agent will ask you for personal information to help and determine whether you qualify for insurance through their company. If you are accepted then auto insurance quote will give you a sample of what you can except if you decided to go with that company.

Don’t look for the price offered by insurance company; you also want an insurance company that is financially sound and one that has been in business for a number of years. Insuring you vehicle is a big expense and because of that you want to make sure that you are getting the right deal that will ultimately protect you and your family, many insurance company gives prices of auto insurance quotes for one month, a quarter, six month or one year, if possible ask for a monthly quote so you can adjust your budget.

Once you have all your auto insurance quotes and you need to make a decision you need to consider several factors to help make your choice easier.

  • Look for the liability coverage first. This is the one that you will rely on the most.

  • Choose from the options that are offered. Each company offers something different in order to stay competitive in the insurance industry.

  • Decide which one you can afford the most. Your offers may all sound great but in the upcoming months you want to make sure that you can still afford your policy.

  • Upgrade or downgrade your policy at any time. This is just one of the many choices you have as a policy holder. You want to be able to change your policy as your needs change in the future.

While obtaining online auto insurance quotes make sure you think about deductibles, keep in mind, a higher deductible will lower your premium payments which can save you money. A deductible will state to the insurance company that for a lower premium payment you agree to pay more if you are in an accident. Thousands of people go almost all of their life without ever using their insurance policy at all.

Make sure that you are completely satisfied with the policy and you understand all the information included in the auto insurance quotes before you purchase anything. Make sure you have the option to pay your premiums online or over the phone to save you time and money.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Types of Auto Insurance Coverage

Types of auto insurance coverage includes collision, liability, deductible, waiver, bodily injury, comprehensive and last but not the least property damage. Do you think all these are mandatory coverage? No, not really, few of this coverage is mandatory not all.

Let’s understand the each coverage in brief.

Liability coverage: In auto insurance or vehicle insurance liability coverage is most important coverage. Many times in accidents there will be damages to the persons who is driving the car, damages can be there for the property or the car. Liability coverage covers these accidents. It the persons found responsible for the fault or damages, he will be saved if he had liability coverage. Many states made this coverage mandatory for car insurance. There are two types of liability coverage first is the injury to the individual and the other one is the coverage for the property damage.

Injury coverage: The insurance company needs to pay medical expense to the injured person along with the salaries that he or she supposed to have.

For the property damage coverage, the insurance company will have to pay for the amount of full reconstructing of the property and other related expenditure.

Collision coverage: This insurance coverage will pay the money to repair the damages caused to the car of the individual. If you pick this coverage you will be asked to choose a deductible, be careful while picking your preference in choosing this coverage.

Comprehensive Coverage: Once you chose comprehensive coverage, you can get replacement for your damaged or stolen car. It is meant to cover the repairs to your car too.

When choosing an insurance policy for cars, it’s a great idea to think over the liability, comprehensive, and collision coverage. In that manner, you can have protection for your car in the near future.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Slash Your Auto Insurance Costs

Does your auto insurance costs going higher than your expectation? If your answer is yes then simply follow 6 steps to slash your auto insurance costs.

In the global world of insurance field every one wants to have good deal at slash price, here’s 6 easy ways to get the best possible auto insurance deal.

  1. Get multiple auto insurance quotes: before going to purchase always make a practice to do comparison with the other options available in the market, use sources such as internet or call few brokers to compare quotes. Get different types of auto insurance quotes from insurance carriers, brokers and from agents, always look for secure and reputable insurance company who can pay good auto insurance claim.

  2. Different type of car: The cost of insurance depending upon the car type you prefer. Generally the $100 sports model cost higher than your average model, so if you thinking to buy a new car check the insurance cost before you purchase it.

  3. Car age and Value:The value of your car may be lower as the car model will become older and if you are using car since long time.
    A good rule of thumb multiplies insurance premium by 10, and compares that figure with your car value. So if you're quoted $1000 premium and your car is worth less than $10,000 you may want to think if comprehensive represents good value. If you drop collision and/or comprehensive coverage, you should get big savings.

  4. Excess charges: To keep policy cost down most of the auto insurance companies keep excess charges, deductibles charges shows what you pay before your auto insurance policy kicks in, request quotes from different level of excess charges.

  5. Low Mileage: More and more people work at home. No more commuting. Fewer business trips. Low mileage on your car. Maybe you do travel to work, but car pool?Either way, look for low mileage discounts.

  6. Good Driving Record: A good driving record always reduces your auto insurance costs. Keep a clean drivers license. Don't speed, don't drive dangerously, and you'll save money (apart from other benefits!)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pennsylvania auto insurance - The most affordable auto insurance

Are living in Pennsylvania and looking for auto insurance? Then you need to know the various options available for auto insurance in your state.

Having Pennsylvania auto insurance is just as important as having coverage in any other state. And although most people don't think there would be any difference between auto insurance offered in Pennsylvania and anywhere else, there are definitely differences you to know about.

Coverage that Doesn't Differ from State to State

Due to specific state laws there will always be difference when it comes to auto insurance, some company’s offers nationwide auto insurance which is so similar that you would be able to stay on the same plan when moving from one state to another. Companies such as Geico auto insurance is offered in Pennsylvania along with any other state in the Country, and will offer just about the same plan to any consumer no matter the state they live in.

This kind of coverage, just as any other product or service, has benefits and disadvantages alike. These pros and cons will differ from person to person due to preference, but one of the most common benefits of purchasing nationwide coverage is price. Because companies like Geico offer coverage to so many people, they are usually able to offer you a lower price, especially compared to local agencies.

On the flip side, a negative aspect that's popular among consumers is the fact that big nationwide companies do not offer personalized service, therefore customer service may not be as reliable or satisfactory as a smaller company.

Coverage That Does Show a Difference

Any state one lives, including Pennsylvania, can find an auto insurance company that's local and specializes in personal commitment to their customers. A good way to find these companies is by using your yellow pages or relying on word of mouth from friends and family. The benefits usually outweigh the negatives with this kind of company because of their size, and many people lucky enough to find a good insurance company that's locally run never even think about switching providers.

Although locally owned auto insurance in places like Pennsylvania are more than likely going to have higher premiums, they tend to make up for it in customer service and satisfaction guarantees. In the end, choosing the right auto insurance comes down to preference, budget and concern.