Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Red Flags to Watch Out for When Buying Auto Insurance

Wouldn’t it be great if buying auto insurance was a simple as flipping through the phone book, closing your eyes and pointing at the first insurance provider you saw? In a perfect world this insurance provider would then proceed to provide you with excellent, inexpensive coverage and responsibly handle your claims for the rest of your life.

Unfortunately, real life doesn’t work like that. In real life there are auto insurance companies that are going to charge you absurd premiums each month, then do their best to slither out of their obligations when the time comes for you to file a claim. How to you deal with these companies? More importantly, how do you avoid ever having to do business with them in the first place?
Underneath you will find a list of "red flags" to look for when shopping for auto insurance. If you see a company that is doing or promoting any of these, take the time to do some further investigation before making a commitment that you may come to regret further down the road

Read more on Red Flags to Watch Out for When Buying Auto Insurance

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